Our Security Unit, which aims to ensure that our valued guests staying in our marina and all personnel working in this facility live in a comfortable and peaceful environment, provides 24/7 service with a qualified and expert staff.
Toilet & Shower
There are 50 shower and 50 WC units in total in three separate parts of our marina. The units have 24-hour hot water, air conditioning in summer / heating-ventilation system in winter. Solar energy system is also used in our environmentally friendly marina. In addition, air conditioning studies are continuing.
There are hair dryers in women’s WCs, and sitting groups, clothes hangers, etc. are available in all shower units. Hygienic cleaning is given priority in our marina. There are special devices within the scope of coronavirus measures.
There are garbage collection containers in 8 separate sections. These containers, in which yachtsmen leave their own waste, are constantly inspected and emptied by the cleaning team, and the necessary disinfection process is applied throughout the day. Hygienic cleanliness is always checked. We have a waste control center.
Our Marina, which prioritizes guest satisfaction in all matters, also provides parking for our yachtsmen’s cars within our capacity. There is a license plate identification system in our parking lot. This system also covers motorcycles.
In our car park, there are field control supervisors and security guards on duty 24 hours a day. Our field supervisors are also responsible for the arrangements of the cars in the parking lot, and it is obligatory to give the car key to the relevant person.
From the day their contracts begin, our yachtsmen can have the system inaugurated by forwarding their car information to our Front Office team upon request.
Phone & Fax & Mail & Internet Services
Within the urgent needs of our yachtsmen, telephone-fax-internet service is also provided with the help of our team at the front office.
The internet corner in our front office is free of charge for up to 15 minutes.
Wi-Fi service provided to yachts is free of charge.
Laundry and Dry Cleaning
We have a subcontractor providing laundry service in our marina.
Opening-closing hours vary according to seasonal traffic.
Commercial Goods Sales Services
In line with the demands of our yachtsmen, the following products are offered for sale in our Front Office.
We have a free buggy service in our marina and a private electric transfer vehicle service that can enter the pontoons in any case.
In front of the main entrance gate of our marina, there is a taxi stand that can serve 24 hours a day. You can take advantage of the taxi service by using the buttons located at the entrance of the pontoon.